Google Analytics Agency

Reliable data to get to know your business

Google Analytics is the most popular analysis tool for finding out all kinds of data related to your website’s activity: visits, conversions, user profiles… Understanding everything that happens on your website will allow you to make the right business decisions that, in the end, will mean an increase in your conversions. With the support of an Analytics company you will be sure to have the objectives and views well configured in order to ensure that no data escapes you. As a Google Analytics agency we include:

Analytics configuration

We check if the Google Analytics tracking code is well implemented and if you are focusing on the main results for your business. As an Analytics company we perform the correct tuning of the tool.

Customised views

We generate different view options to get the most accurate data. Depending on your interests and business goals, we will create several views in Analytics: location, device, IP, etc.

Tracking your goals and conversions

We know that revenue is the most important metric of your business. We will provide you with performance reports based on your main objectives and proposals for improvements to optimise your conversions.

Google Analytics 4

We can create a Google Analytics 4 property in your account if it is needed. With GA4 you will be able to get more detailed reports based on events and user behaviour.

How do we work with Google Analytics?


At we have a team of Google Analytics experts with extensive experience in data interpretation and business optimisation.

Our consultants set up Analytics to obtain the necessary information according to your business objectives. If something is failing in your strategy we can detect it and implement improvements.


Interpret what your business needs
with real, objective data from
Google Analytics.

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Un caso práctico para enseñarte cómo mejorar tu posicionamiento web

Google Analytics FAQs

What is Google Analytics used for?

The configuration of Google Analytics on your website is absolutely necessary to be able to measure everything that happens in your business. This will allow you to make decisions in search of improvements thanks to contrasted data. 

Besides being a totally free tool, some of the advantages that Analytics offers you are: 

  • It allows you to discover the route your potential customers take on the web. 
  • Which is the user's profile. 
  • Which pages are receiving the most traffic and what type of queries make them go there. 
  • It offers the possibility of studying the competition. 
  • It allows you to set objectives and measure them.